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Myers Beauty® Collagen + Probiotic

Myers Beauty Collagen + Probiotic is the perfect addition to your daily routine without being yet another product you need to apply to your face.


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Organic Greens: Get Your greens On The Go!

As a Functional Medicine physician, I travel quite a bit, and finding organic fruits and vegetables in the hotel restaurant or anywhere nearby is sometimes impossible! The alternative? Trying to find a way to buy them in a health food store near your hotel and somehow cook them, or bringing your own salad dressing through airport security… you can see that this is not ideal (or sometimes not even a possibility). Organic Greens to the rescue! No messy oils, no cooking, no airport hassle! Just mix a scoop into a glass of water or juice and you’re way ahead of the game!

Organic Greens Saves You A Ton of Money

Have you been to a juice bar recently? The prices are astronomical. My team and I visited a few, and what we found was… not so great. First of all, almost nothing’s certified organic, and yet, the prices you’ll pay suggest they were grown fertilized only with gold dust. In our research, we discovered 30 servings of juice at a juice bar with the nutritional equivalent of what you’ll find in my Organic Greens would cost you 255.00! Yikes! That’s over SIX TIMES more expensive per serving!

Organic Greens Saves You Time

Forget about juicing yourself. Organic Greens will save you loads of time. Juicers are expensive, all the organic produce you need to juice is expensive, and the time spent pulling out the juicer, putting it together, washing and cutting veggies, actually juicing them, then breaking down and cleaning the machine before you put it away can take up your ENTIRE morning. With Organic Greens, you get the nutrients of a fresh glass of organic juice, with just one simple scoop!

Steer Clear Of Toxins With Organic Greens

Organic Greens are so much better for you! The problems with getting your juice from a grocery store are many. As I said earlier, it’s rarely ever organic. That means you’re getting concentrated pesticides and other nasty chemicals every time you take a sip of your juice. And besides the fact that a single serving of any of these store-bought brands can cost you up to 9.00 a serving, there’s another big problem we need to discuss… The entire time your juice is sitting in that plastic bottle on the store shelf, it’s leaching carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting toxins such as BPA & BPS right out of the plastic! That’s right because store-bought brands are in a liquid form, they react with the plastic bottle they’re stored in. Organic Greens is 100% organic, and specially dried and powdered, preserving all of the nutritional value so it won’t leach chemicals from its pouch!

Who Should Use Organic Greens?

Organic Greens is perfect for anyone who:

  • Wants to save a lot of money vs buying juice from a juice bar
  • Is looking to save a lot of time versus juicing produce every morning
  • Wishes to alkalize their body, increasing healthy PH
  • Travels often and wants a doctor-designed source of organic nutrition
  • Wants to mitigate stress & balance hormonal health
  • Additional information


    Amy Myers MD


    Powder packaging for 204 grams


    corn, dairy, Mix 1 scoop into 8 fluid ounces of water or your favorite beverage. Consult your physician before use. Does not contain: Gluten, or GMOs., soy, wheat